The Jousting Life

Informative Links

Links to online sources of information about historical and/or modern jousting. If you know of a link that should be added to this list, please email The Jousting Life with the information.

Last updated: January 28, 2015

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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts, Images, Translations, etc...
Modern Texts
Useful Websites
Informative Videos

Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts, Images, Translations, etc...

Wiktenauer Treatise Index  An extensive listing of historic fighting manuals with links to where they can be accessed online, frequently with transcriptions/translations and other information.

Album of Tournaments and Parades in Nuremburg  This series of images on the Metropolitan Museum website includes pictures of many of the pages in the Nuremburg manuscript.

Images of knights in Sir Thomas Holme's Book of Arms, c 1445-1524  Coloured drawings of knights in armour and tabard, four per page, mounted on horses and jousting or fighting with swords. Each knight is labelled with his name. The knights are organized according to county: Suffolk (ff. 9r-17v), Essex (ff. 18r-29v), Kent (ff. 30r-36v), and Yorkshire (ff. 37r-40v).

Paul Hector Mair De Arte Athletica II A complete online version of a mid sixteenth century German illustrated manuscript that you can flip through. It includes a number of images of jousting

Codex 10799 (aka 'Schemata Varia Artis Athleticae et Gladiatoriae' & 'Die Blume des Kampfes') An illustrated fighting manual(no text) from 1623. Includes images of jousting and mounted combat beginning at folio 261r.

A Tournament Contest Images of jousting and armour, mostly from a 16th century German tournament book, from The Getty Museum

Tournament Armor Images of armour, including 'exploded' images depicting individual pieces of armour, mostly from a 16th century German tournament book, from The Getty Museum

Add MS 12228 Meliadus or Guiron le Courtois 1352-1362 British library  A Czech website with images from the 14th century manuscript

 Die Hausbücher der Nürnberger Zwölfbrüderhausstiftungen: A collection of books with over 1,300 illustrations depicting manufacturing processes and craft products from the 15th to the 19th century. It includes a few images of saddlery and other things related to jousting.

King Rene's Tournament Book A Modern English Translation of the original text by Elizabeth Bennett, published in 1998

Ritterkunst by Johann Jacob von Wallhausen: A 17th century, German language text about training your horse for knightly service. Includes jumping barrels, mounting in armour, how to swim your horse in armour whilst keeping your pistols dry, dressage and battle tactics.

British Library Digitised Manuscripts A search engine for finding online manuscripts from the British Library

Modern Texts

"The Iberian Horse in Competitive Jousting" by Zhi Zhu, an introductory article about the use of Iberian horses in contemporary jousting, in Andalusian Magazine, published in 2013

The Armored Horse in Europe 1480-1620 A free downloadable pdf of a previously published, but now out of print exhibition book for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, written by Stuart W. Pyhrr, Donald J. LaRocca and Dirk H. Breiding, published 2005. It can take a while to download, be patient, it's worth it.

"German Tournament Regulations of the 15th Century" by Joachim K. Rühl, an academic research paper, German University for Sports Sciences, Cologne, 1990

"Lance Construction" by Will McLean, an article in his blog A Commonplace Book, published in 2011

"Modeling the Joust" by Eric M. Berg and Roger L. Lampe, an academic research paper, published in 2002

Armour & Weapons by Charles John Ffoulkes, Project Gutenberg ebook version of the classic text, originally published 1909

Tilting in Tudor Times a chapter in an ebook version of The Archaeological Journal, originally published by the Royal Archaeological Institute in 1898

The Mamluk Lancer: A philological study of Nihāyat al-suʾl wal-umnīya fī taʿlīm aʿmāl al-furūsīya a translation (with commentary) of the part concerning lance exercises in the 14th century Arabic manuscript Nihāyat al-suʾl wal-umnīya fī taʿlīm aʿmāl al-furūsīya; a sort of comprehensive handbook of war for the Mamluk cavalry.

Useful Websites

WorldCat If you are looking for a hard to find book, this search engine is very useful for finding libraries near you that have or can get a copy for you to read.

The Wallace Collection British museum which has a nice collection of Arms & Armour. The website includes a search function for the collections.

Kunst Historisches Museum Swiss museum with a nice Collection of Arms and Armour. No search function, but you can scroll through pictures of their Selected Masterpieces by century.

Royal Armouries UK British museum that puts on jousting displays and tournaments regularly. They also have a good collection of arms and armour, however, their collection database is currently being revamped and is not useable. However, you can still scroll through images of arms and armour in the online version of their "Line of Kings Exhibition".

Royal Armouries USA A collection within the Frazier History Museum that displays items from the Royal Armouries.

Higgens Armory Museum Sadly, this museum is now closed, but there is still information on what has happened to the collections.

Worcester Art Museum Inherited the Arms and Armor collection from the Higgens Armory Museum. The website includes a search function for the collections.

My Armoury: A Resource for Historic Arms and Armour Collectors

Wiktenauer A wiki primarily for HEMA and WMA researchers and practitioners "seeking to collect all of the primary and secondary source literature that makes up the text of historical European martial arts research and to organize and present it in a scholarly but accessible format." 

Armour in Art A searchable database of medieval art featuring armour. Items in the database range in date from 1100 to 1450 and are located throughout Europe.

Effigies and Brasses a collection of images and links of medieval monumental tombs. Most of the monuments listed here are either effigies or brasses. The remainder are incised slabs, half-reliefs, and other miscellaneous representations. The current collection is focused on European monuments, from the 12th to 15th centuries. The majority lie in the 14th century.

Manuscript Miniatures An image collection of miniatures depicting armoured figures from the medieval period. Miniatures are sourced from manuscripts created before 1450 in countries across Europe.

Informative Videos

How to Mount a Horse in Armor and Other Chivalric Problems A 48 minute long presentation by Dirk H. Breiding, Assitant Curator, Department of Arms and Armor, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, features video of jouster Toby Capwell(aka Dr. Tobias Capwell, Curator of Arms and Armour at the Wallace Collection)

15th Century Jousting Armour - Stechzeug A short(4 minute)video from the Royal Armouries

Other Links

Academie Duello teaches mounted combat classes

The Book of the Order of Chivalry or Knighthood by Ramon Llull, a text created by the modern Civil and Military Order of the Knights Templar

Chivaly Today

Dariusz caballeros Equestrian history, especially Polish, Eurasian and American horsemanship and its history - from Bronze Age to AD 1939.

Trollspeilet a equestrian blog written by a jouster and his wife

Scuola di Cavalleria Medievale e Rinascimentale an Italian jouster's blog

Works of Chivalry

Modern Medievalist

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