Tobias Frin (whose birthday is today, Happy birthday!) was in Schaffhausen acting as part of the living history displays in association with Die Grossen Ritterspiele zu Schaffhausen and the exhibit of historical jousting equipment at the Museum zu Allerheiligen. He was kind enough to direct me to several videos of the jousting tournament and to offer his commentary on a video featuring one of the mounted melees fought during the course of the event.
Ritterspiele Schaffhausen 2014(video by Felix Walder)
The video shows the last part of a crest melee involving Arne Koets, Petter Ellingsen and Wouter Nicolai, although it looks like Toby Capwell may have been involved in the melee in the bits before the video begins. The melee ends when Arne knocks part of Petter's crest off. The marshal for the melee is Wolfgang Krischke of the Fürstlichen Hofreitschule Bückeburg.

Tobias Frin acting as part of a living history exhibit at the Museum zu Allerheiligen
(photo by Eliane Caramanna)
More articles about the Grand Tournament at Schaffhausen:
Even More TV News Coverage of The Grand Tournament at Schaffhausen
Toby Capwell's Second Blog Post About the Grand Tournament at Schaffhausen
More TV News Coverage of the Schaffhausen Tournament
Toby Capwell is Writing Blog Posts about the Grand Tournament at Schaffhausen!
TV Coverage of the Grand Tournament of Schaffhausen 2014
Video: Toby Capwell Explains His Passion for Jousting
Promotional Video for Die Grossen Ritterspiele zu Schaffhausen
"Here is a clip from the Schaffhausen Turnier. Please have a look at the first part. For most people, it seems that the horses are lolloping around tiredly. But it is actually a highly collected canter, sometimes changing into a redopp or terre à terre with gallop pirouettes and such stuff. This is exactly where the academic art of riding comes from, and it is the art of riding that you are seeing!
By the way... What I didn't realize before: The words 'tourney' and 'tournament' come from the French 'tour' which means turning. You can easily see why." – Tobias Frin
Ritterspiele Schaffhausen 2014(video by Felix Walder)
The video shows the last part of a crest melee involving Arne Koets, Petter Ellingsen and Wouter Nicolai, although it looks like Toby Capwell may have been involved in the melee in the bits before the video begins. The melee ends when Arne knocks part of Petter's crest off. The marshal for the melee is Wolfgang Krischke of the Fürstlichen Hofreitschule Bückeburg.

Tobias Frin acting as part of a living history exhibit at the Museum zu Allerheiligen
(photo by Eliane Caramanna)
More articles about the Grand Tournament at Schaffhausen:
Even More TV News Coverage of The Grand Tournament at Schaffhausen
Toby Capwell's Second Blog Post About the Grand Tournament at Schaffhausen
More TV News Coverage of the Schaffhausen Tournament
Toby Capwell is Writing Blog Posts about the Grand Tournament at Schaffhausen!
TV Coverage of the Grand Tournament of Schaffhausen 2014
Video: Toby Capwell Explains His Passion for Jousting
Promotional Video for Die Grossen Ritterspiele zu Schaffhausen
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