Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wyvern Oaks Talks About "Lysts on the Lake 2012"

If you regularly check the blogroll on the sidebar, you have probably already read this post, but for those who haven't...

Though the author of Wyvern Oaks no longer jousts herself, she has helped a number of people learn to ride and to joust, including her husband. She is still actively involved in the sport and frequently squires for he husband and sometimes for others. She also works as judge, ground crew, mounted squire, etc... She willingly does whatever needs doing.

Her husband, several of the people she helped get started on horses, and many of her friends competed in this year's "Lysts on the Lakes". Here are the first few paragraphs from the post about her experiences during Lysts:

"Wyvern Oaks: And then there was JOUSTING!!!!"
"Despite the rather impressive storm on Thursday night, the first day of jousting ended up being quite nice. In the morning was the beginner joust, which Cash was supposed to take part in... only his rider's saddle slipped on the first run, and that was pretty much the end of that plan. Cash can be... shall we say... speedy down the lane, and after that mishap it became apparent that retiring would be the better part of valor.

(No, nobody bothered to inform Cash that 24-year-olds are supposed to be "old and slow." Somehow he missed that memo, I think.)

Next up was the Skill at Arms. These are feats of skill that knights used in medieval times to train for jousting and fighting - for example, hitting a quintain, slicing cabbages on posts, or throwing spears at a target. The hubby rode Red for this, since he's quite maneuverable and easier to rate speed-wise than Saga is. As usual, Red was a star and hubby did quite well.

That afternoon was the first round of jousting...." Read more

Most, but not all, of the competitors at Lysts on the Lake 2012

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