Thursday, April 12, 2012

Video -- How to Mount a Horse in Armour and Other Chivalric Problems

This is a video of a Metropolitan Museum of Art lecture from 2010, by Dirk H. Breiding, assistant curator of the Department of Arms and Armor. It is not a video filled with action shots of knights jousting and fighting in armor. However, if you are interested in the true history of jousting and the arms and armor used for it, you might find this video interesting.

How to Mount a Horse in Armour(video by the Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Dirk H. Breiding really lays into the misconceptions propagated by television shows and movies about knights and their armor. He even criticizes other museums that do not properly deal with historic arms and armor. However, there is a fair amount of dry humor that academics and the academically minded might appreciate.

The video includes still pictures and video clips that were used in conjunction with the lecture, including some nice pictures and video of Dr. Tobias Capwell in his custom made historically accurate armor. The only video of actual jousting comes 37 minutes into the lecture. Later in the lecture, there are some fascinating old videos from the twenties showing the flexibility of some of the articulated armor in the Met's collection.

It is a very long video(48 minutes), and it may be a bit dry at times, but it is well worth watching.

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