Friday, February 10, 2012

Jousting Organizations

If you know of a jousting organizaion that should be included on this list, please email The Jousting Life.

International Oganizations

International Jousting League (IJL)
Rue Doumier 49
Created in 2004, the IJL is the largest and most active jousting community in the modern world. The League includes 308 affiliates representing 21 nations and successfully runs tournaments on 3 continents.
Phone: +32.476.472.411
Email the IJL

International Jousting Association
The International Jousting Association (IJA)is a world wide body that aims to encourage the development of the sport of jousting.
The IJA:
  • Promotes the sport of jousting throughout the world.
  • Promotes IJA sanctioned tournaments throughout the world.
  • Promotes an international standard of training and certification in jousting and related skills
  • Promotes a high standard of historical accuracy.
  • Promotes a high level of sportsmanship.
  • Promotes a high standard of horse welfare.
  • Promotes a high standard of safety
The IJA was originally formed in England in 1987 by Alan Beattie and some other English Jousters. But it was not until 1996 that the organisation started to become properly established after a meeting in New Zealand between English, Australian and New Zealand jousting representatives. At this meeting the development and control of the IJA was transferred to New Zealand and Australia.
Email the IJA

WorldJoust Tournaments
WorldJoust Tournaments is building a circuit of competitive historical jousting tournaments around the world. By establishing a ruleset and using standardized equipment which produces a quantifiable result, WorldJoust Tournaments seeks to create a sustainable modern equestrian sport which honours the ancient traditions yet embraces the demands of modern athletes and sports enthusiasts. By establishing and maintaining guidelines governing presentation, competitor welfare, and the running of competitions, WorldJoust Tournaments' fosters mutually beneficial relationships between competitors, promoters and the public. We welcome new affiliates. If you would like to affiliate an existing tournament, create a new tournament on the WorldJoust model, or for more info, please visit the WorldJoust website.
Email WJT

National Organizations


Professional Jousting League -- Australia (PJL-Aus)
led by Rod Walker
"We are proud to announce the formation of the Australian Professional Jousting League. (name could change). Our objective is to hold large scale professional jousting tournaments presented as a modern sport."
Email the PJL-Aus


International Jousting Association -- Canada
IJA-Canada Secretary: Jordan Heron
35 Lane Rd, R.R.#1,
Dunnville, ONTARIO N1A 2W1 Canada
"The IJA-Canada is a recognized branch of the International Jousting Association. The IJA has members in England, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Sweden, and the USA."
Email the IJA-Canada


Svenska Riddarsällskaps Samarbetsgrupp(SRS) (Swedish Jousting League)
Chairman: Janne Gregnert
The goal of the SRS is to promote cohesion and provide advice for the various jousting troupes and associations in Sweden. SRS works to improve riding ability, skill with weapons and chivalry. The SRS will also help with matters of heraldry, weapons, clothing, equipment and other things related to creating tournaments, as well as being responsible for foreign contacts. The most important service the SRS provides is arranging the Swedish national jousting championship, Rikstornering.
Email Janne Gregnert
Phone: 018-366660 / 070-3451911


International Jousting Association -- USA

IJA-USA representative: Nikki Fourtzialas
"The International Jousting Association (IJA-USA) is the United states based part of a world wide governing body for the sport of jousting."
phone: 978-494-3017
Email the IJA-USA

The American Jousting Alliance (TAJA)
founder and director: James Zoppe
"The Primary focus is producing entertaining, exciting and safe medieval style jousting tournaments."
Phone: (661) 245-4000
Email TAJA

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